Swot Analysis for the Cedarville County Jail


Mission Statement: Our mission at the Cedarville County Jail is to maintain, care, custody, and control of the inmates to ensure the general safety of the public by keeping them safe, informed, and empowered. It is our desire to be an efficient, cost effective institution that implements programs into the jail system that will help facilitate the offenders return to society as law abiding citizens.
Statement of Goals: We will do our best to carry out this mission via good management, implementing social programs and utilizing the latest technology and innovations. This will be done by way of education, training, and job placement. This will allow them to be an asset to the community.
Statement of Key Objectives:
Ensuring that we at the Cedarville County Jail hire and train ethical individuals who understand and can uphold the departments of code of ethics, moral obligations, and do so in a drug and alcohol free environment.
We intend to implement social programs such as parenting, anger management, substance abuse counseling, alcoholics anonymous, life skills, self-awareness, crisis counseling, mental health, and relaxation therapy to name a few. This will be done using the latest computer programs and technology.
In addition will be General Education Development and High School Diploma Classes to give them the foundation for continuing education such as vocational courses and if qualified college courses. The vocational courses will consist of plumbing, electrician, masonry, welding, and CDL to name a few. This will include work release programs and job placement.

Organizational Strengths
• Recently built facility
• Latest in security technology
• Inmate housing for the two separate parts of the jail
• New Administration

• Security issues
• Accounting system in disarray
• Poor management
• Employee morale problems
• Officers not properly trained in the use of restraint and safety techniques
• Drug and alcohol abuse among employees

• The organization could outsource services cheaply (gardening, laundry, and janitorial services, etc.)
• New programs for inmates
• Staff development
• Special – needs program for juvenile offenders
• Training for inmates
• Additional grants from the Federal and State Government
• A voucher program to enable juvenile offenders to be moved to other facilities
• A substantial lost in the portion of its budget
• Keeping inmates inside the prison

My First Job Interview


As a young girl I would like to eat different things so I would always visit the neighborhood sandwich shop for lunch or sometimes dinner when I could afford to do so. It was Subway and these frequent visits allowed me to become familiar with the management and staff there. So when I was of age and was ready for a part time job why not go the place where I had become familiar with everyone. It was a neighborhood establishment where they took the time to get to know their customers and gave personalized service to those who frequented the store.
The store was owned by three people Mr. Robert Word who worked for Corrections with the State of Florida; there was also Jack and Tony who were retired police officers from New York. The store managers were Richard, Tony’s son and Justina a nursing student. The other crew members were Lisa who was also a nursing student and two of Jack nieces. The gentlemen and their staff would always ask how I was doing in school and constantly gave me words of encouragement. Justina, Lisa, and Richie (Richard was known by this nickname) always made me feel welcomed and encouraged me to think big and work hard. They were like extended family and we eventually became personal friends.
I was raised by a single mother and as I became a teenager she was not able to give me all the things I liked or wanted so I asked if I could get a part time job. I explained how it would alleviate some of her financial stress and how I would be able to buy my toiletries and other things I like and participate in school activities without asking her for money. She said she would think about it and only consider it if I could maintain my grades and keep up with my chores around the house if I wanted to work. My mother explained that working and going to school would not be easy but I contested that I could do it.
So a couple of weeks later I walked the two blocks to the Subway Restaurant and asked if they were hiring and if so how would I be able to get a job. The first questions asked were, are you still in school and how old are you. I advised them that I was still in school and was 15 years old. Jack said alright let me talk to the fellas and refresh myself with laws for individuals under the age of 17. He continued by saying there were child labor laws and there were restrictions on when I could work and how many hours I could work each week. He told me to return in a few days and I agreed.
A few days later I returned and Jack explained to me the child labor laws and stated that I would have to talk to all three of them, and at that time they would discuss the terms and conditions of my employment if I wished to be hired. He gave me an application to fill out and told me to return on a particular date ready to be interviewed. Thrilled, I returned home with the application and immediately started to fill it out and asked my mother for my social security number and explained why I needed it. She gave it to me and explained to me the importance of keeping the number secure. We discussed the days it would be best for me to work and the conditions of me working. I remember researching interview tips and how to dress.
I rehearsed why they should hire me and what I would bring to their establishment. Ready, willing, and excited I was prepared for my first job interview.
On my scheduled date, off I went to meet Robert, jack, and Tony for my first job interview. My attire consisted of black slacks, a long sleeve white button down shirt, and black loafers. In hand was a folder with my application neatly completed and copies of my social security card, I.D. card, and the letter from the school approving me for a course called work experience. Work experience was considered an elective course and it allowed you to leave school during that time to go to work. It was designed as the last class of the day and you had to maintain good grades to obtain it as a class period. When I entered the restaurant the look on their faces was one of surprise. When they saw me they realized that I had researched what to do and was taking the opportunity given seriously.
The expressions made me feel good and it supported the statement that first impressions were lasting. What they were seeing was not the little girl that grew up eating at the sub shop from time to time but a young lady taking seriously an opportunity that was being given to her by business owners who became friends. After the greeting I sat at a table in the restaurant area facing the three men. They reviewed my application nodded and asked why I wanted to work at Subway. My first response was why not? I explained that the employees appeared to love what they do and had a familial relationship and it was my desire to be a part of that team. I went on to say how the staff here made you feel like more than a customer but a friend and who would not want to be a part of something like that.
Smiling and nodding at my responses they explained to me what my hours would be limited because of the child labor laws and that I would only be able to work on the weekends as not to disrupt my school work. They also advised me that my start and ending times would vary and that I had to maintain good grades if I wished to worked there. I agreed and when asked if I had any questions I simply said no and thanked them for the opportunity. They said you’re welcome and you are hired. I completed all the necessary forms and was asked for my shirt size and was given a start date for the following week. I left the Subway Restaurant feeling proud and empowered.
It is an experience and feeling I would never forget. It has empowered me to take chances and instilled in me that you should always ask for opportunities. It led me to believe if you ever wanted something all you had to do was just ask and if you showed determination and will that it would be granted. The nurturing attitude of the employees of Subway has helped build my character in such a way that I could never imagine. It has allowed me to build a work ethic that views customers as more than just a profit but as extended family. This intern gives them a sense of belonging and gives them a desire to return for the personalized customer service that they have received from the employees of that business time and time again.

“Detroit is Burning”



The Heidelberg Project, founded by artist and Detroit native Tyree Guyton, has experienced eight arsons from May of 2013 to December of 2013. The project is the vision of a Tyree Guyton a resident of the neighborhood who over three decades has tried to revitalize his neighborhood by turning abandoned, old, dilapidated, buildings and homes into works of art. He uses all types of medium from tires, to self drawn paintings on wood, and just plain trash into works of art. His efforts has made The Heidelberg Project Detroit’s third most popular tourist attraction. Despite the efforts his impact has made on the community financially. The city did nothing to refurbish the older buildings with hopes of bringing families back into the neighborhood. The Heidelberg Project recently contracted with the state’s Department of Education for a three-year program focusing on African American males. All the monies received came from foundations that help assist them with programming in an area where most people would not go or feel is not worth the efforts. Obliviously the citizens feel they are worth the effort and plan to raise enough money to clean up their neighborhood and Tyree has already erected art from the ashes. Heidelberg Street is just another example of government turning a blind eye to impoverished areas. We as citizens need to e=be asking who are these people and should be writing our congressmen and representatives letting them know something has to be done and we can not continue to disregard our nation’s people as we pour billions of dollars into countries that are not ours. So I ask you great citizens to “Rock the Vote”

” Human Trafficking in the U.S.” Intergovernmental Relations



Intergovernmental relations is a unique agreement among different levels of government so that they can work as a team on a grand scale to help address an issue or issues that is of major concern to all parties involved. As part of the agreement the lower authority has to usually meet the higher authorities’ conditions and satisfy certain prerequisites in order to receive revenue or resources from them.
In Baldacci’s fictional account the initial presence of upper government was resented and turned down but as time progressed and the chain of events required resources the Chief did not clearly have. He then allowed or even sought the skills of the army special agent to ensure or give insight to a situation that would not have received the attention he imparts at that skill level. He was also able to use his sources to follow up on leads or obtain information that would not have been possible at the city level. Even then there were road blocks as he tried to research further which led to officials of a higher rank becoming involved and bringing his investigation to a halt.
Eventually all three agencies city, state, and federal would have to combine efforts if they wished to curtail and apprehend the parties involved. That example is a direct link to Shafritz et al reference to the structure of intergovernmental relations, whereas Puller, Landry, and the Chief of Police all had to submit to the plan of the higher branch of government and could no longer carry out individual efforts but had to combine efforts to carry out the greater good of the people.

” The Study of Adminstration” by Woodrow Wilson


Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson’s examination of the discipline of Public Administration is as accurate today as it was in 1887. In order for us to have an effective government that is truly functional for the people it must first have the trust of the public and carry out it duties free of political influence. He stated that politics should set the task for government but should not run it. The administration of government policy should be for the benefit of all citizens, not Republicans, Democrats, Liberalist, and etc. Civil service is based on public trust and should be established and ran void the legislative oversight and political criticism. The job of government is to view past attempts and make an conscience effort to learn more about the field of Administration from other countries and from other era’s in history. With this knowledge make a combined attempt to research multiple systems and implement an effective, proficient, and trust worthy system of the people to meet their needs. Instead what we have done is administered public policy under the guise of being knowledgeable beforehand thus losing public trust and not implementing our programs in a detailed and systematic way because our system is complex and highly decentralized. So over 100 years later we are still trying to determine the best methods to carry out the concerns of citizens in a facile, effective and well ordered way.