“The Contender”



The professional woman there are so many questions but not enough correct answers.
Is society ready for women to be world leaders?
Do we have a place in the political arena?
Are women capable of making decisions regarding war without being emotionally involved?
Are women equal at all?

Let me start off by answering a question that has been asked for many years. Are women equal and the answer to that is, No! Women are not equal, we are not equal in the work place, we are not equal in the home, we are not equal in politics, and we are not equal as it shows in a “male dominated world”. We have to work three times as hard in order to be recognized, have an impeccable personal, work, and family background. We are held to standards that some may consider unreal and even if we are great in all the areas mentioned, society still has a way of deeming us not fit. Actually we are more fit than most men. The average man finds managing a home and work challenging but add children and/or extended family and to most this seems impossible. Yet most women do this everyday. Some might say it is not the same and in some aspects it is not but both require good management, time managements, and good decision-making skills to name a few.
None the less, women are great, we have given birth too, supported, and nurtured some of the most powerful men in the world.
Women have given the world countless inventions but did not receive credit because they were females. In the 18th century Tabitha Babbitt lived in a Shaker community in Massachusetts and worked as a weaver, but in 1810, she came up with a way to make cutting wood more efficient. She did this by attaching a circular blade to her spinning wheel so that every movement of the saw produced results. She did this because she watched two men use a two handle saw and noticed it only produced a cut when pulled forward. She did not seek a patent for her work.
Laws at the time stipulated that women couldn’t own property, which included intellectual property like a patent. Such property was considered to be owned by the woman’s father or husband. Therefore laws prevented many women from acquiring patents for their inventions not because they were not good but simply because they were women and were thought not capable on an intellectual level.

So I ask you were do women really stand in Society and how much change have we really made?

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